Monday, December 29, 2008
so I suck at poker...
I have been having a pretty sweet break. I have learned a few serious things about myself that I figured I'd share.
1. I am beyond addicted to caffeine.
2. I am beyond readable and terrible at Texas hold 'em.
3. I am beyond able to fall asleep at a normal time.
4. And after typing the word beyond so much, I wish that I had bought that buzz lightyear costume for Halloween this past year. Well maybe not, because I kissed my new gf for the first time that day. I'll just watch toy story online and get
my fix. More to come soon.
Your friendly neighborhood blogger,
Saturday, December 27, 2008
brian versus grad school
I know. I said that I would post more often... Then grad school destroyed me. I will summarize soon. What I can currently tell you without killing you is that I am alive and am the proud owner of an iPod touch. :)
Much love,
Monday, September 15, 2008
Crunch Time...
It's only about a month and a half until Halloween, my favorite holiday. I decided it's time to crack down and figure out what I am going to be. In recent years, I've been Steve Urkel, Captain Planet, Ash Ketchum, Peter Parker, Dick in a Box, and more. Because grad school is taking up all of the free space in my brain, I haven't been able to settle on a costume. I got some help from my friend, but I could use some help from you all.
Criteria for my costume are:
- Cute
- Something from your childhood
- something I can easily obtain/make
- no mask
- hands free are a plus
- the ability to stay cool would be stellar too
Help me Obi- Wan- Readers, you're my only hope!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Aqua dream weekend force
There was this guy who decided he was going to have an amazing weekend. He had just got a new haircut, and was ready to head out on the town.
When this guy moved to Boston, he decided that he wanted to do wild and crazy things, be adventurous, and try new things. So, in talking to his classmate, decided that he was going to attend a silent rave that he heard about. The concept of a silent rave is that everyone shows up with their ipods to a disclosed location, hits play at the same time, and dances to their own music. This, happening in the middle of Copley Square, had all the makings of hilarity and awesomeness. So our young friend decided that he would brave the rain to see what it was going to be like. When he and his other classmate (whose codename will be Nevada) arrived on the scene, there seemed like there was noone there. It was scheduled to begin at 7, and all they could see was the hundreds of sad Bostonians with and without umbrellas. At 5 'til, approximately 60 people ran out of a nearby church and gathered in the square. They then counted down the last few seconds... and it began. It looked like this:
He was overwhelmed by the lack of silence. People kept chanting and giggling loudly. Oh well. It was around then, when Nevada and our main character (whose codename will be Pterodactyl) realized that this was not something they really wanted to be a part of. Pterodactyl noticed that the people actually dancing were all those kids who nobody liked freshman year of college. They then decided to meet some classmates at the bar closer to their next adventure...
After trying Sam Adams Oktoberfest at Tavern in the Square (Central), Pterydactyl and friends went over to a nearby church and took Swing dancing lessons!!! Quick summary of that experience because there is so much more to the story and my fingers are starting to get tired is that Pterydactyl had a great time, and his classmates did too. Nevada was stellar at it, as were some of the other people there. They went to another bar that night, got some HI-FI pizza, and went about their merry ways for the evening.
The next day, Pterydactyl did nothing until late afternoon, where he met Nevada, Twin (who went swing dancing too), Twin's friend Minn, and Sunshine for food. They then made there way to their designated destination: The Bud Light Presents: Disorientation Concert featuring Are You Offended Yeah, Anberlin, Alkaline Trio, the Kooks, and Flogging Molly. Let's just say that free Monster Energy drinks as they walked in, free stuff from vendors, delicious beverages, the awesome company, and most importantly the great bands made it an amazing evening!!
And for the next day (today), they all lived happily ever after.
ps. I'm Pterodactyl.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Fresh 2 Deff
Now that I don't have to pretend to study, I can post again. Today was quite the new experience. I went into a new barbershop on my street called Sly's Barber Shop. It is a tiny little hole in the wall joint that just opened up, and can only be described as what you see in the movies. There were people hanging out there, watching tv, chatting it up and more. I had a short wait and then my tuckuss was in a really comfy chair. I told Sly that I wanted a little off the side and to clean up the back. After a sweet convo about my family, my home, what I'm doing in Boston, and all sorts of blades all over the place, this is what I got:
My first super tight fade!!! So now, I'm feeling fresh 2 deff and figured I'd share that with you all. I am ready to head out on the town, possibly hit up a silent rave, and then swing dancing. Catch y'all on the flipside...
It's your boy,
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Pick Me Up
Life has been all sorts of crazy. One of those roller coasters that goes up really high, and then seems like it goes down forever. Not to sound to depressed though. I have been utilizing my personal strategies for pick me ups to get me through these times, which include: naps, eating delicious food, and spending as much time as I can with friends and family. If you all have any of your own strategies that you would like to share with the world and me, please leave a delightful comment on this here blog.
Yours truly,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
quick thoughts
- it's my brother's bday.
- labor day weekend in laconia was fun and boring at the same time, comment and i'll tell you fun things about merlions.
- i'm back on crutches after trying to give them up
- butterfinger blizzard
- Margaritas are no longer my friend
- much love to the fam.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sprain in the ass...
Don't worry, my buttocks are both doing fine. I however have sprained my foot. I did so while I was in NY this past weekend. I went running in a pair of fake Chuck Taylor's, which as you all know have zero support for your foot. At about mile 1.5, I started feeling pain, and I pushed through it because I'm a trooper. I then regretted that decision, because I've been limping since. Yesterday, the lady at the hospital gave me crutches, which are a new adventure for me, because i've never had to use them before. I won't be using them for too long, seeing how I have the healing powers of Wolverine!!!!
Anyways, some things to ponder today are:
- Why are Swedish Fish so tasty, and what makes them Swedish?
- Do motorcyclists ever get upset that they don't have doors on their vehicles?
- What percent psychological are the effects of energy drinks on people?
My answers:
- They are so tasty because they are the color of passion, desire, and love. With that on their side, when you put their gummy goodness in your yapper, they have already one the battle against your mind. They are Swedish because only fish from Sweden could survive so long without water in a bag with hundreds of their siblings annoying them.
- Not often, due to their freedom. They only get upset when someone with suicide doors and a tricked out car rolls up bumping the mega-mix. They want that.
- Approximately 51.634%
Until next time,
Monday, August 25, 2008
Special Birthday Post!
I would like to inform you that it is my roomates birthday today. If I am correct, Ross is 23 years old. That's pretty f'n sweet. I love birthdays, especially those of people close to me. You may be thinking to yourself,"Self, why does Brian love birthday's so much?" To answer your question, here's why:
- The process of being birthded is pretty risky, so it is a joyous occasion to celebrate our survival
- Cupcakes
- Presents
- Communication with people that you don't get to speak to on a regular basis (thanks facebook!!!)
- The constant increase in our age is not only a reminder of our bell-shaped curve of societal importance, but teaches us of the importane of sharing our knowledge with those around us and the younglings while we can
- Senior citizen discounts
- free dessert
- ballooons
- summer (for me)
- and Cupcakes
I again am writing this from a bus seat, but this time on the way back from my new york/connecticut adventure. twas awesome. Look forward to the summary later.
Until then, Ciao Ciao,
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Power Summary, written yesterday. Sorry for the mishmosh.
I would like to inform you with great excitement that:
I am still alive!!!!!!!!!!
I know you doubted it due to the total lack of posting over the last couple months, however, I have great reasons for such. I do however want to apologize for getting your hopes up as I got internet in my new apartment in Charlestown. I did write a couple posts that I will post soon, but I want to let you know what my world has consisted of without any more rambling.
I started graduate school at the MGH institute of Health professions. I underestimated the amount of effort that I would need to put into learning the anatomy of the human body, as well as the methods of patient care. II did not realize exactly how diverse a group of people I was about to join ranks with in order to achieve our healthcare dreams
After almost 3 hours of studying a day, 9 tests, hours spend studying cadavers at HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, survived my first semester.
I am on my “summer”break now, which is a three week hiatus from classes.I have moved into a new apartment with some of my fraternity brothers who will be mentioned in the near future. Cambridge iis a pretty exciting place.
Power summary is complete. Now for random thoughts:
· The house bunny looks like it might be a really entertaining movie
· The roast of bob saget might have been some of the funniest television that I have seen in a long time
· Heroes season 2 comes out on dvd on September 26th!!!
· Sitting on a four hour bus ride from boston to new York is not only boring and uncomfortable, but I sort of feel bad because I am not the softest typer ,and my computer doesn’tmake it any easier to be sneakier.
· The CD Movement from Thieves and villains is probably my favorite album of the summer.
· Four words “Rock me Sexy Jesus.”
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Not too much longer.
I know you miss me like a crackhead in jail misses getting high, but I promise it will not be much longer until I get access.
I recently learned my computer is straight up dead. Wireless card burned out, ethernet port damaged, blah blah. The new computer i'll be getting will fix all of that for you all.
Hope all is well, Boston is awesome.
Much love,
Monday, June 2, 2008
internet problems new apartment.
I am yet to get the internet in my new apartment. Once I do, I will be uploading the posts i've been writing without the internet. I am currently using my roomates computer for a couple seconds. Talk to you soon. ~BS
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Things I am not...
I have done a lot of thinking today, and as I enter into a Whole New world without a magic carpet ride, or a beautiful woman by my side who I harmonize well with, I thought it was important to take a good look at who I am. I plan on doing so in a two part series. Part One, will be the title of this, and part two you can read tomorrow. HAHAHAHA.
Anyways, without further ado, here are some of the things I am not:
- Good at basketball
- Good at not getting huge blisters while playing the game listed in point 1.
- Spectacular at planning ahead...still
- Believing that I'm done college
- Okay with not speaking to all the people I care about because we don't see each other as often now that I'm back in the Hampsh or Boston
- Trained enough in the tastings and delight of beers
- Tall
- as knowledgeable about sports as I'd like to be, so I am inundating myself with all forms of it
- nearly as funny online as I think I am in person
- in the right mindset to keep typing things
This is where honesty and hopes that people will comment come in. Let me know other funny or serious things that I am not in a comment. Stay tuned for possibly funny things tomorrow.
Equations of my life currently
Please enjoy my life explained to you through math. Now that I will never be forced to do major math problems again, I can have fun with math.
Keys to an apartment + my hands= me as an adult
Bachelor Pad + Boston= Awesome
Me in Boston-anything to do for a week= me pretending like I'm Christopher Columbus and exploring
x(the impending doom of Graduate school)= 6 sorts of anxious
3(basketball) + 15(bowling) + batting cages + driving range= me being all athletic and hopefully getting into better shape
you + comments=awesome
p.s. you + me= us
Monday, May 19, 2008
It's okay high school dropouts, i'm not in college either...
I graduated from college!!! Quinnipiac University has unleashed me on the world with a science degree as a weapon. I will go on a bacteria killing spree!
No seriously though, it still hasn't hit me yet, so expect one of those super sappy sessions sometime soon.
My head is already in the future, on my next goal: to earn the degree that will have people calling me "Doctor Simons."
I start that pursuit on June 9th at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. So somewhere in my tiny break, I need to do these things:
-Finalize my apartment stuff
-write in here as many times as Stef writes in her blog (see the A Small Civil War link)
-See Iron Man
-organize my crap
-get a 120 score while candle-pin bowling
-dream of new tattoos
-get pumped for the new Heroes season
- and much more
Leave me some love. Fin.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sanka... You Dead Man?
I am almost dead.
I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Things have been great though. Quick updates because I need to run:
- There was a glorious ending to the Truffle Shuffle
- My friends are making blogs, so be sure to check them out!!!
- I have my Dance Co shows this weekend!
- I am getting closer to finding an apartment in Boston (help is more than welcome)
- Finals are days away :(
- I am ready to leave QU
- I am not ready to leave the people
- I love Burger King
That's it for now. I will write a real post when I have a little more time to breathe, and hopefully after I edit the layout of this blog to look new and sexy!!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Saran Wrap up
I realize that it has been quite a while since I have written for you all. Please take my sincere apology, and then go watch the new episodes of Scrubs. I missed them and I need someone to fill me in on them.
So I have been one busy boy. Life has included:
-Freaking out about grad school
-Totalling my car
-A huge research paper
- Mad presentations
-Officially disowning my celebrity infatuation with ashley simpson because she is now pregnant and engaged to Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy
-Transitioning my celebrity infatuation to Hayden Panettiere :)
-Wishing I cared more about the Yankees and Red Sox feud.
-Watching Shaniqua (that's his code name) drink Sips (those little barrels of delicious juice) and vodka alone
-Meeting lots of new people
-Realizing that it's really late in the year and my college career to be making new friendships
-Watching Shaniqua drink a sip of a glass of vodka thinking it was water
-Playing softball, and being decent at it
-Noticing the the Trees that smell bad are blooming :(
-learning ridiculous hip hop dances
-dreaming of new tattoos
-watching JUNO, because it came out on DVD tuesday
-quoting old greg
-hanging out at the radio station
-Being the Captain of the Team (Apple Bottom Jeans and Boots with Darfur) that won The Most Spirited Team Award at Quinnipiac University's First Annual Relay For Life!!!
- and many more
I have never fit more into my days as I have these last few weeks. Stress level is up. Sad Level is low, which is great. If I had more time, being a graduating senior would be kickass, and exactly what I imagined college to be like when I was a graduating senior from high school.
Much love,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Your Opinion Matters!!!! Vote
This is an important time in your decision making lives. Tomorrow you will have to pick which pair of underwear to put on, what to eat for meals, where to go, who to cuddle with, which concert you want to attend on Friday, and more. Months from now you will be deciding our futures by electing the next President of the United States of America. All of those decisions, though important, do not compare to the importance of the one I will now pose to you. The outcome of this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Your decision could effect millions of people.
Without further ado:
2. A Chipmunk
3. A Hammerhead Shark
Or Some other animal?????????
Let me know!!! Oh, and I think you should know that I tried to be all tech-savvy and made an html poll so that all you awesome people could vote and it would tabulate all the results for me and joined some website to do so but it didn't work like I wanted, but i failed. So i hope you like this instead. Enjoy, comment.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Worst April Fools Day Ever
George got in a fight today. He now has a black eye, a messed up face, and some bumps bruises and scratches. If you know who George is, just know that we are both ok. If not, ask about him, and I will tell you the terrible tale that took place today...
PS. More comments Please!
If life had an alarm, it would be going off...
Dear Readers,
Thanks for waiting! I can tell you are thirsty for some info, and you will be parched no longer!!!!
As for the hassles:
I have taken a look around, at the commitments I am a part of, the people who I’ve put in effort into cultivating and maintaining relationships with, and everything that has been taxing of my substance. I’ve come to a decision, and it’s really basic to be honest. I am not going to put in much effort anymore. If things are going to happen from after this weekend on, they will happen because they were meant to. It will not be because I bent over backwards for it to happen. I will be using that strength to being with those who truly care about me (not with people who are and have recently become fair-weather friends), and doing things that I have wanted to do in my undergraduate career but am yet to do. If you are confused, ask a question in the comments section and it will be answered.
3 research papers, 4 tests, weekly reports, nightly logs, reviews for the radio station, prep work for a psychology course, and more have got my fingers practically bleeding. I spent pretty much all day Saturday sleeping because I have been exhausted by this. I will be going to bed after typing this to continue to catch up.
It is pretty scary, as I am yet to get the information necessary from my school to start securing an apartment. What I am most worried about isn’t that. I am most worried about feeding myself while I am in graduate school. I have never cooked for myself before (unless you count microwave meals and sandwiches). I recently learned an awesome recipe for RICE KRISPIE FRENCH TOAST!!! I bet that will come in handy when I need to impress people, but I don’t know how often I will actually take the time to make it.
As referenced indirectly before, time is running out. I have 5 weeks left. WOW. Get in touch if you want to do something. If not, I’ll talk to you soon.
I don’t know if I’ve said anything about it yet, but this year, the Connecticut Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon will be hosting our annual formal at St. Clements Castle in
I am beginning the process of findingan apartment. I am going to be trying to figure out how to pay for it. I will be listening to the awesome cds from the radio station. Hanging out with my boys. Doing RA stuff. Walking at the Relay For Life @ Quinnipiac. Playing some baseball, softball, basketball, Frisbee and more. Living my ritual. Going out. Making sure people have my contact information. Tying up loose ends. Speaking my mind. Dancing. And Being me.
Let me know if you want in on any of this. Sorry about the seriousness. I’ll be bringing funny back soon.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A weekend extraordinaire.
I apologize for not posting juicy information in a while but my life has been a whirlwind, and my feet have not been on the ground. I will update you all soon about what has been going on. I'll just tease you all with this:
- Some _____ just aren't worth the hassle.
- School. yup. school.
- Next Halloween, my future should work at a haunted house.
- Tick.Tock.
- Castle.
- Now...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Invention of the Year Follow Up
I felt I owed it to you to look a little deeper at the Invention of the Year. I realized that I may have been hasty, and just too excited of it's glory at that moment. I forgot about the Iphone, the chicken nugget holder/drinking cup combo, and others.
I however, after a trip to New Haven to flyer for the WQAQ Spring Concert (Minus the Bear headlining, featuring Paulson, Kevin Devine, and Great Caesar And the Go-Getters April 4th at 7 pm in Alumni Hall Quinnipiac University 275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden CT 06518), I actually purchased and began consuming the "BFC"...

6 Hours later, and a ton of deliciousness, I finished its 32 ounce majesty. Feel free to take my word on this, that it is still the invention of the year in my book after that experience.
Much Love,
PS. The can is as big as my head.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Soundtrack to Memory Lane...
While doing the massive amounts of work that I have to do during this holiday filled weekend, I did something that I think everyone should do on occasion. I took a trip down memory lane. I didn't stop at my single digit years, nor did I stop at the terror that middle school was. I also didn't stop at the high school memories. I went back to my freshman year in college. I didn't take a look at the nights of drinking, or the times spent with people I have lost contact with...

I took a look at the music I listened to back then. It was awesome. It was a time when I listened to Pop Punk bands and ska. That was about it. I had a passion for finding punk covers of pop songs. I loved oldies, and much more. It was then I discovered the wide genre of alternative music, including the "emo" stuff, bands that scream, metal, and underground hip hop. It was amazing. I sampled some of them tonight.
If you want to know which bands, comment, and I will make a list for you all.
If you are Catholic/Christian, Happy Easter! If you don't celebrate that, have a Merry Weekend, and I will talk to you all again soon.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Invention of the Year so far
I recently received a phone call from my brother telling me about something absolutely magnificent. The news I got was of a new invention that should be nominated for Best Invention of the Year. It is about 10 inches tall, has an aluminum shell, is lime green black and white, and is filled with enough fuel to power a small city:
As of March 20th, 2008, the Best Invention of The Year, and also tastiest way to ensure a heart attack, goes to the:

This absolutely amazing beverage now comes in a can that holds 32 ounces of life fuel!!!!! I don't even think I would survive the consumption of that many ounces of an energy drink, let alone the effects it would have on my fragile insides. Not only is that impressive, but the Monster Energy company deserves credit for being the most courageous and badass company in the world for putting the "BFC" acronym on their cans. From what my bro told me, it evens says something on the can to the sort of "Yeah, You know what it means". SO AWESOME.
So other than that, life is crazy. I have a ton of tests and research papers to do. Yes I'm procrastinating right now. Bye.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
(Insert the name of the most famous song by Europe here)
We (at Quinnipiac) only have 7 weeks left. I imagine they will fly by extremely fast, so make the best use of them as you possibly can. Some of us will be continuing with school, and others will be transitioning into the real world. Very exciting and nervous panic inducing!!
Spring Break was nice, calm, and hilarious overall. It can be summed up by these three bullets:
- Home Depot
- Cha-chung
- Salty
Let me know how your breaks or non-breaks were!!!!!!! (in the comments section, cough cough)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The World's Greatest Mysteries.... Volume 1
I have decided that, if I can remember, that I want to present a new series of posts over the course of time titled as such "The World's Greatest Mysteries...". I think many of you will agree with me that these are extremely puzzling quagmires:
- Why are dragons still so fat after they throw up….fire…all the time? (inspired by the terrible Dunkin Donuts Hash Brown Commericals)
- Why does your fridge have a light, and not your freezer? (I can’t see when I want a late night snack)
- Why is Paula Abdul still on American Idol? (she is useless)
- Where did the term couch potato come from? (oh the ways my imagination can make this happen)
- How did the movie 10,000 BC come to steal my heart? (see it)
- Why are Woolly Mammoth’s so awesome? (see above)
- How come every youthful looking girl can be creepy? (see the trailers for Shutter)
- Why am I not tired right now? (12:28 am)
Please feel free to post your own questions, that I may even attempt to answer, as comments.
Now that I got that out,
I am bored out of my mind. I've slept more hours than I ever have. I've watched more tv than I ever have. I have even walked aimlessly around the mall once! You know I have sunk to an all time low when I have actually thought about doing the work that I need to do!
What about being on cruises, in hotels, in foreign lands, and away from school means that people can't lead interesting lives and keep me updated about them?
I hope everyone is having an awesome time, so that when you tell me the stories, I can daydream myself into them and have an awesome time too. :)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Life experience by Brian
There is one thing that I have been thinking about lately, and I figured I'd share it because it has consumed my thoughts.
Whoever tells you anything other than "Honesty is the best policy" is a liar.
For those who miss the funny posts, I will make sure I get sick again so I can amuse you. Until then, the poet, the philosopher, and the mind will take over.
Much Love to you all,
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Thanksgiving... a few months late
I have been doing a lot of thinking, as well as a lot of paying attention in my Positive Psychology class. It has been awesome. I decided that I would like to post the things that I am grateful or thankful for here. It is proven that if you express thanks to people, that you will be a happier person. (try it out!!!)
Here is a list of the people and experiences that are currently on my mind:
- My close friends- the ones who call me to hang out, the boys who have been there my whole life, and the ones who try to keep me from getting too stressed out- you know who you are
- To the people I have recently reconnected with- there is something about you that brings new joy to my life when I realize that I haven't missed the opportunity of knowing you better
- To the people who don't like me- I appreciate this viewpoint because it makes me question what I do, and it also reaffirms me in my convictions. Oh, Ps, change your mind, you'll be happier not hating me.
- My mom- for being amazing.
- My brother- for working on our relationship and helping me plan my future.
- Grad Schools- for liking me.
- For everyone who reads this- because you make my venting sessions worthwhile, as well as make me smile when I read the count of how many times this page has been visited.
Please ignore the seriousness of this post. It is meant to be happy. I will definitely be posting the hilarity that my life is lately soon.
Until then, here is a picture of last Sunday when I worked hospitality for the Quinnipiac SPB Spring Concert: Wake the Giant, and got to hang out with the likes of Jack's Mannequin, Zox, and T-pain. Here is Andrew McMahon kicking my ass in Wii Tennis(taken by Chris McLaughlin of Fat Kid Photos:
Monday, February 25, 2008
Estoy Enfermo...
For the past week I have been really ill. It really sucks. However, in the process, I have learned a lot about myself. These things include:
-My sick voice is really sexy (someone told me).
-I speak spanish more often when sick.
-I'm a lot funnier when delerious due to symptoms of sickness.
-I must be cooler because bands want me to hang out with them after performing.
-I become more aggressive, for example, I tackled people in snow football and was really pumped.
-I lose the ability to sleep easy :(
Let me know about your sick stories or revelations. The comments sections have been like a desert lately, left empty and dry...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger,
Friday, February 22, 2008
Days are like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans...
If I haven't given myself away with the title, you just learned that I am a Harry Potter fan(atic?). I have read all the books, seen all the movies, and often compare my life to it. Moving on.
Days are like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Some days are your favorite flavor, like when you get to hang out with your friends a lot and don't have homework, or cherry. Some days are okay and you move on not really thinking about them, like butterscotch. Some days you really don't enjoy, like when you are swamped with tests, or like pepper flavored jelly beans. But the worst is when days (Like today for me) are right out miserable, like the earwax or vomit flavored beans.
Today I felt like I was gonna die (self diagnosed head cold and bronchitis/pneumonia), had to go to work tonight unexpectedly and missed out on some really cool plans, and most horrifyingly my computer crashed like 5 times( don't worry, I gave it CPR).
Either way, the life lesson to learn from this is that many days are not going to be your favorite, and may downright suck, but the more crappy flavored jelly beans you eat/bad days you have, it makes you truly cherish and enjoy when the good ones happen. (Insert Cheesy AWWWWWW)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Interesting thought of the day...
I just had an interesting thought that I figured I would share:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
the 3:1 ratio
I know. It's been too long since I last posted. Sorry. Life has been crazy. I've had more work than my brain can handle, and this past weekend I got suckerpunched by a stomach bug that I named BOB (Bombs over Brian) that had me vomiting until there was no liquid left in me, and then still some more. Sorry for the candidness.
Other quick updates:
-got into two grad schools
-Clemens used steroids
-got nominated for a sick award
-doing well in classes
Okay, there is something I need to share with you. I will call it the 3:1 ratio. It is a theory by this amazing psychologist named Barbara Frederickson, who does a lot of work in the field of positive psychology. What it means is:
in order to live a happy life, you must experience
Everybody has a ton of bad things happen to them, but you can still lead a happy and fulfilling life according to this theory if you have this balance.
I Have experienced these 3 positives today:
1. Relay For Life: Quinnipiac is hosting it for the first time, and it is gonna be great because of these names of teams ( oh, there is a worldwide/place/passport to hope/country/city theme)
Apple Bottom Jeans and Boots with Darfur
Cancer Israel (get it? Cancer is real)
Czech Up On It
Iran for a Cure
Not Alaskan a lot
Shake Djibouti
You're Walking Too Fast, Kuwait for me and more
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Having to do with my second power, I thought about these things today that I would love to know what you would have thought:
A. If you could live in a world that has been created by a video game, which one would it be?
I dreamt that I was in the world of Thrilla. Thrilla is a surfing/skateboarding gorilla from original NES' Thrilla's Safari. His girfriend gets kidnapped by a crazy tiki villain and he travels across the world to save her. I would love to skate and surf everwhere. I think that would be awesome.
B. If you could experience something that someone in a Greek Tragedy experienced, who would you want to swap places with/fill in for?
C. If you could be friends with any cartoon character, who would you want to be friends with?
I would love to friends with Splinter from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I would love to have a friend who is a ninja, as well as a really deep philosophical thinker at the same time. I definitely tend to surround myself with deep thinking people, but none of my current friends are master ninjas (that I know about).
Let me know what you think. I definitely want to see more comments here.
That's just the way it is...
I apologize for taking an extended break from writing in here, but a lot has been going on, such as me going home for winter break to a home with dial-up internet (love you mom), and much more.
Today, I am going to share a list of things that I think we all need to accept as the title of this entry:
That's just the way it is:
- Heath Ledger dying. It's definitely tragic, but we can all honor him by going to see the Dark Knight when it comes out.
- Classes have begun for the Class of 2008's final semester as undergraduates at Quinnipiac University
- The future is seconds away.
- a line in the Tupac song that has been stuck in my head for three days.
- That the Quinnipiac Spring Concert will soon be announced as Jack's Mannequin, a certain person who likes to buy drinks, and a certain band with a lead singer who looks anorexic whose music sounds a lot like P!ATD.
- Relay for Life is happening at QU this semester!
- Life is like a windy road. Sometimes its great when you are coasting. Sometimes you like the thrill. Other times, your car can't handle it. When those times come, you have to slow down and take it easy. Eventually, your road will take you to a place you want to be.
Until I write again, smile at someone you have never met before, it might just make them have an awesome day. ~BS