Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Your Opinion Matters!!!! Vote

Dear Readers,

This is an important time in your decision making lives. Tomorrow you will have to pick which pair of underwear to put on, what to eat for meals, where to go, who to cuddle with, which concert you want to attend on Friday, and more. Months from now you will be deciding our futures by electing the next President of the United States of America. All of those decisions, though important, do not compare to the importance of the one I will now pose to you. The outcome of this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Your decision could effect millions of people.

Without further ado:

If I was going to be an animal, which one do you think I would be?

1. A Mustang

2. A Chipmunk

3. A Hammerhead Shark

Or Some other animal?????????

Let me know!!! Oh, and I think you should know that I tried to be all tech-savvy and made an html poll so that all you awesome people could vote and it would tabulate all the results for me and joined some website to do so but it didn't work like I wanted, but i failed. So i hope you like this instead. Enjoy, comment.


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