Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thanksgiving... a few months late

Hey there!

I have been doing a lot of thinking, as well as a lot of paying attention in my Positive Psychology class. It has been awesome. I decided that I would like to post the things that I am grateful or thankful for here. It is proven that if you express thanks to people, that you will be a happier person. (try it out!!!)

Me + this entry= a happy Brian

Here is a list of the people and experiences that are currently on my mind:
  1. My close friends- the ones who call me to hang out, the boys who have been there my whole life, and the ones who try to keep me from getting too stressed out- you know who you are
  2. To the people I have recently reconnected with- there is something about you that brings new joy to my life when I realize that I haven't missed the opportunity of knowing you better
  3. To the people who don't like me- I appreciate this viewpoint because it makes me question what I do, and it also reaffirms me in my convictions. Oh, Ps, change your mind, you'll be happier not hating me.
  4. My mom- for being amazing.
  5. My brother- for working on our relationship and helping me plan my future.
  6. Grad Schools- for liking me.
  7. For everyone who reads this- because you make my venting sessions worthwhile, as well as make me smile when I read the count of how many times this page has been visited.

Please ignore the seriousness of this post. It is meant to be happy. I will definitely be posting the hilarity that my life is lately soon.

Until then, here is a picture of last Sunday when I worked hospitality for the Quinnipiac SPB Spring Concert: Wake the Giant, and got to hang out with the likes of Jack's Mannequin, Zox, and T-pain. Here is Andrew McMahon kicking my ass in Wii Tennis(taken by Chris McLaughlin of Fat Kid Photos:

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