Sunday, March 16, 2008

(Insert the name of the most famous song by Europe here)

Dear Readers and possibly fellow college seniors,

We (at Quinnipiac) only have 7 weeks left. I imagine they will fly by extremely fast, so make the best use of them as you possibly can. Some of us will be continuing with school, and others will be transitioning into the real world. Very exciting and nervous panic inducing!!

Spring Break was nice, calm, and hilarious overall. It can be summed up by these three bullets:
  • Home Depot
  • Cha-chung
  • Salty
No, I did not go to Home Depot, the beach, or anything having to do with sodium chloride. Ask me if you want to know the meaning behind those.

Let me know how your breaks or non-breaks were!!!!!!! (in the comments section, cough cough)


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