Saturday, March 22, 2008

Soundtrack to Memory Lane...

Dear readers,

While doing the massive amounts of work that I have to do during this holiday filled weekend, I did something that I think everyone should do on occasion. I took a trip down memory lane. I didn't stop at my single digit years, nor did I stop at the terror that middle school was. I also didn't stop at the high school memories. I went back to my freshman year in college. I didn't take a look at the nights of drinking, or the times spent with people I have lost contact with...

I took a look at the music I listened to back then. It was awesome. It was a time when I listened to Pop Punk bands and ska. That was about it. I had a passion for finding punk covers of pop songs. I loved oldies, and much more. It was then I discovered the wide genre of alternative music, including the "emo" stuff, bands that scream, metal, and underground hip hop. It was amazing. I sampled some of them tonight.

If you want to know which bands, comment, and I will make a list for you all.

If you are Catholic/Christian, Happy Easter! If you don't celebrate that, have a Merry Weekend, and I will talk to you all again soon.


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