Thursday, May 29, 2008

Things I am not...

Oh HI!

I have done a lot of thinking today, and as I enter into a Whole New world without a magic carpet ride, or a beautiful woman by my side who I harmonize well with, I thought it was important to take a good look at who I am. I plan on doing so in a two part series. Part One, will be the title of this, and part two you can read tomorrow. HAHAHAHA.

Anyways, without further ado, here are some of the things I am not:

  1. Good at basketball
  2. Good at not getting huge blisters while playing the game listed in point 1.
  3. Spectacular at planning ahead...still
  4. Believing that I'm done college
  5. Okay with not speaking to all the people I care about because we don't see each other as often now that I'm back in the Hampsh or Boston
  6. Trained enough in the tastings and delight of beers
  7. Tall
  8. as knowledgeable about sports as I'd like to be, so I am inundating myself with all forms of it
  9. nearly as funny online as I think I am in person
  10. in the right mindset to keep typing things

This is where honesty and hopes that people will comment come in. Let me know other funny or serious things that I am not in a comment. Stay tuned for possibly funny things tomorrow.


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