Friday, February 22, 2008

Days are like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans...

Dear Readers,

If I haven't given myself away with the title, you just learned that I am a Harry Potter fan(atic?). I have read all the books, seen all the movies, and often compare my life to it. Moving on.

Days are like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Some days are your favorite flavor, like when you get to hang out with your friends a lot and don't have homework, or cherry. Some days are okay and you move on not really thinking about them, like butterscotch. Some days you really don't enjoy, like when you are swamped with tests, or like pepper flavored jelly beans. But the worst is when days (Like today for me) are right out miserable, like the earwax or vomit flavored beans.
Today I felt like I was gonna die (self diagnosed head cold and bronchitis/pneumonia), had to go to work tonight unexpectedly and missed out on some really cool plans, and most horrifyingly my computer crashed like 5 times( don't worry, I gave it CPR).

Either way, the life lesson to learn from this is that many days are not going to be your favorite, and may downright suck, but the more crappy flavored jelly beans you eat/bad days you have, it makes you truly cherish and enjoy when the good ones happen. (Insert Cheesy AWWWWWW)


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