Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Beginning of a Serious Relationship

Dear whomever stumbles across this page,

You are in for quite the treat, for you will get to be the suscribers to the insanity that is my thought process. I have recently been inspired by the likes of Greg Madrid, Koren Zailckas, Streeter Seidell and the other Collegehumor authors, and many more to start putting my thoughts down on paper (or in this case a computer). I get this crazy feeling that we are going to be BFFL-OIWFYASOYHABYTKRAPOMB's (Best Friends for Life- Or I will find you and stand outside your house and beg you to keep reading and posting on my blog). Haha...... No Seriously though....

My goal is to write about the serious, funny, bizarre, and definitely random thoughts that go through my head, and I am more than interested in taking suggestions on topics. I love learning, so I will do research, and argue the heck out of any topic you pose.

So without further ado, the First W.O.W. topic is:

People who sing the words to songs but don't understand what they mean.

By reading any further you agree not to be pissed when I the filter on my mouth/fingers does not stop me from referencing things that would cause any teenager to giggle ferociously and make any overly-PC adult want to yell at me.

I remember back in like sixth grade, I was sitting in the back seat of my mom's car( because I wasn't tall enough as a sixth grader to sit in the front seat, it's hazardous!) singing along to a song. This song was UB40's Girl I Want To Make You Sweat. Back then, my pre-pubescent voice sung the words as if it was another bubble gum pop song that you would hear on RadioDisney. I'm surprised my mother didn't catch on to the lyrics. They go a little something like this:

"Girl I want to make you sweat,
sweat till you can't sweat no more,
And if you cry-y, I'm gonna push it
Push it, Push it some more-ore."

If I sang this song today aloud with as much enthusiasm as I did then, there is a great chance I would be slapped in the face with accusations of sexual assault and a large amount of evil-eye giving would ensue... for about a week.

I say this because many people do it. In fact, yesterday, I came across a friend of my lady-friend who did not really understand the lyrics to the Cutting Crew's (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight. She was singing it out loud at a large social gathering for the Rugby Team. I found this especially amusing because the song references premature ejaculation in its chorus, and before it was sung in the presence of many testosterone junkies, it was preceded with an excited,"Oh my God, I Love this song!!!!!!!!!!!"

Other songs that people(including yours truly) have sung without understanding:

Next's Too Close (male anatomy arousal)
Ricky Martin/William Hung's She Bangs (aggressive women)
The Vapors Turning Japanese (the face one makes when pleasuring oneself)

Got any more songs that fit this category?

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Found your blog through Greg's blog! :)

Anyways... to answer your question, yes. For me it's Positive K - "I Gotta Man". I was playing touch football with some friends in my yard singing that song when I was about 10 or 11, and my mom came out and told me to knock it off. A year or two later I realized that it was about a dude hitting on a woman who already had a boyfriend and was trying to "hit it" with her anyways. Whoops. :)