Monday, April 2, 2007

Where did they go?

Hello W.o.W. readers,

Today, being a little colder than the past couple days, has forced me inside. While the weather is having it's identity crisis (Am I Spring? Am I winter? Am I Sprinter/Wing[combo]?), I have been cast into my room to relax and think. I became very reminiscent today of things that I enjoyed in my childhood, and came up with a topic that I plan to revisit often. It will be called:

Where did they go?
People/kids who would rather play outside than sit inside.

I, being one of these people who love playing outside but have been forced inside, know both sides of the story, and therefore can logically make an argument.
I feel that the kids who would be playing outside have been
abducted by aliens ,
and by abducted by aliens I mean kidnapped by television, computers and the internet, and by lazy and nervous parents.
Spending time outside back in New Hampshire was the bomb diggity when I was a kid(and it continues to be as awesome now). One could get a nice tan(summer or winter) and get a lot of fresh air. One could learn the laws of physics on the swingset or seesaw. One could learn the architecture of a sand castle or of a tree/stick fort. One could learn the mathematics of You+ a rabid animal=Bad news with a remainder of RUN AWAY! One could learn the science of using a magnifying glass to melt things or mess with ants. There is so much to learn in the outdoors. Other than learning, being outside directly correlates with exercising more. That means you more than likely will lose weight.

As television becomes more popular(and more violent) despite the lack of decent shows like we had (whole 'nother topic), children and adults become glued to the tube as if it were their prized possession. As the internet steals the souls of those who committ to sitting in front of it (all college students, children who are looking at interactive learning sites, and more, we as people lose connection to our natural habitat. It is a proven fact that we ,humans/homosapiens, are the only species of creature on the planet that is no longer able to survive in our natural habitat. Also, as if it's not obvious, the amount of time we are spending in front of computers and t.v.'s is also directly adding to the obesity in our country. They need to invent computers that you can take with you while you exercise, on some sort of head set (LIKE VIRTUAL REALITY) on a treadmill. I say headset because when I tried to read my 20G Ipod (it died-gah Apple!) it was hard to focus. This would work. People could exercise and surf the net.

I'm not saying that spending time in front of these electronic devices is bad. In this case, there is definitely a limit on how much of something is good. I say, we should all learn to speed read. That way, you can still read my blog and exercise!!!

Finally, I think in a world of increasing fear, parents are either too lazy to go outside so they can watch their kids, or too scared that something is going to happen to let them out. If people don't let their children, or even themselves, take risks, then everyone will just be scaredy-cats and we'll get fat. I think that it is crucial to allow and even force children outside. Teach them self defense and how to make smart decisions around strangers, give them a cell phone to call you, buy them crappy clothes and let them get dirty in them and expose themselves to the germs early so they can get the immunity for them, and more.

My challenge to my readers is to go outside today, bundle up, and at least go for a walk. Get your blood pumping. Exercise is a stress reliever, and an energy giver.

Thanks for reading this semi-serious, hopefully thought provoking post. I will be funnier when the weather gets sunnier. For now, I will leave you with my favorite quote of all time. It is a quote from the Alkaline Trio song "Radio". If you look up the song, it's a really bitter song about a guy who has been recently dumped and is very angry about it. The lyrics for the most part are really harsh, except for this part, which ties directly in with what I spoke about earlier: risks.

"...if Columbus was wrong, I'd drive straight off the edge."

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