Sunday, March 30, 2008

A weekend extraordinaire.

Dear Readers,
I apologize for not posting juicy information in a while but my life has been a whirlwind, and my feet have not been on the ground. I will update you all soon about what has been going on. I'll just tease you all with this:

  • Some _____ just aren't worth the hassle.
  • School. yup. school.
  • Next Halloween, my future should work at a haunted house.
  • Tick.Tock.
  • Castle.
  • Now...


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Invention of the Year Follow Up

Dear all,

I felt I owed it to you to look a little deeper at the Invention of the Year. I realized that I may have been hasty, and just too excited of it's glory at that moment. I forgot about the Iphone, the chicken nugget holder/drinking cup combo, and others.

I however, after a trip to New Haven to flyer for the WQAQ Spring Concert (Minus the Bear headlining, featuring Paulson, Kevin Devine, and Great Caesar And the Go-Getters April 4th at 7 pm in Alumni Hall Quinnipiac University 275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden CT 06518), I actually purchased and began consuming the "BFC"...

6 Hours later, and a ton of deliciousness, I finished its 32 ounce majesty. Feel free to take my word on this, that it is still the invention of the year in my book after that experience.

Much Love,

PS. The can is as big as my head.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Soundtrack to Memory Lane...

Dear readers,

While doing the massive amounts of work that I have to do during this holiday filled weekend, I did something that I think everyone should do on occasion. I took a trip down memory lane. I didn't stop at my single digit years, nor did I stop at the terror that middle school was. I also didn't stop at the high school memories. I went back to my freshman year in college. I didn't take a look at the nights of drinking, or the times spent with people I have lost contact with...

I took a look at the music I listened to back then. It was awesome. It was a time when I listened to Pop Punk bands and ska. That was about it. I had a passion for finding punk covers of pop songs. I loved oldies, and much more. It was then I discovered the wide genre of alternative music, including the "emo" stuff, bands that scream, metal, and underground hip hop. It was amazing. I sampled some of them tonight.

If you want to know which bands, comment, and I will make a list for you all.

If you are Catholic/Christian, Happy Easter! If you don't celebrate that, have a Merry Weekend, and I will talk to you all again soon.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Invention of the Year so far

Dear fellow humans,

I recently received a phone call from my brother telling me about something absolutely magnificent. The news I got was of a new invention that should be nominated for Best Invention of the Year. It is about 10 inches tall, has an aluminum shell, is lime green black and white, and is filled with enough fuel to power a small city:

As of March 20th, 2008, the Best Invention of The Year, and also tastiest way to ensure a heart attack, goes to the:


This absolutely amazing beverage now comes in a can that holds 32 ounces of life fuel!!!!! I don't even think I would survive the consumption of that many ounces of an energy drink, let alone the effects it would have on my fragile insides. Not only is that impressive, but the Monster Energy company deserves credit for being the most courageous and badass company in the world for putting the "BFC" acronym on their cans. From what my bro told me, it evens says something on the can to the sort of "Yeah, You know what it means". SO AWESOME.

So other than that, life is crazy. I have a ton of tests and research papers to do. Yes I'm procrastinating right now. Bye.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

(Insert the name of the most famous song by Europe here)

Dear Readers and possibly fellow college seniors,

We (at Quinnipiac) only have 7 weeks left. I imagine they will fly by extremely fast, so make the best use of them as you possibly can. Some of us will be continuing with school, and others will be transitioning into the real world. Very exciting and nervous panic inducing!!

Spring Break was nice, calm, and hilarious overall. It can be summed up by these three bullets:
  • Home Depot
  • Cha-chung
  • Salty
No, I did not go to Home Depot, the beach, or anything having to do with sodium chloride. Ask me if you want to know the meaning behind those.

Let me know how your breaks or non-breaks were!!!!!!! (in the comments section, cough cough)


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The World's Greatest Mysteries.... Volume 1

Dear World and readers,

I have decided that, if I can remember, that I want to present a new series of posts over the course of time titled as such "The World's Greatest Mysteries...". I think many of you will agree with me that these are extremely puzzling quagmires:

  1. Why are dragons still so fat after they throw up….fire…all the time? (inspired by the terrible Dunkin Donuts Hash Brown Commericals)
  2. Why does your fridge have a light, and not your freezer? (I can’t see when I want a late night snack)
  3. Why is Paula Abdul still on American Idol? (she is useless)
  4. Where did the term couch potato come from? (oh the ways my imagination can make this happen)
  5. How did the movie 10,000 BC come to steal my heart? (see it)
  6. Why are Woolly Mammoth’s so awesome? (see above)
  7. How come every youthful looking girl can be creepy? (see the trailers for Shutter)
  8. Why am I not tired right now? (12:28 am)

Please feel free to post your own questions, that I may even attempt to answer, as comments.




Now that I got that out,

I am bored out of my mind. I've slept more hours than I ever have. I've watched more tv than I ever have. I have even walked aimlessly around the mall once! You know I have sunk to an all time low when I have actually thought about doing the work that I need to do!

What about being on cruises, in hotels, in foreign lands, and away from school means that people can't lead interesting lives and keep me updated about them?

I hope everyone is having an awesome time, so that when you tell me the stories, I can daydream myself into them and have an awesome time too. :)


Friday, March 7, 2008

Life experience by Brian

Dear Living people,

There is one thing that I have been thinking about lately, and I figured I'd share it because it has consumed my thoughts.

Whoever tells you anything other than "Honesty is the best policy" is a liar.

For those who miss the funny posts, I will make sure I get sick again so I can amuse you. Until then, the poet, the philosopher, and the mind will take over.

Much Love to you all,


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thanksgiving... a few months late

Hey there!

I have been doing a lot of thinking, as well as a lot of paying attention in my Positive Psychology class. It has been awesome. I decided that I would like to post the things that I am grateful or thankful for here. It is proven that if you express thanks to people, that you will be a happier person. (try it out!!!)

Me + this entry= a happy Brian

Here is a list of the people and experiences that are currently on my mind:
  1. My close friends- the ones who call me to hang out, the boys who have been there my whole life, and the ones who try to keep me from getting too stressed out- you know who you are
  2. To the people I have recently reconnected with- there is something about you that brings new joy to my life when I realize that I haven't missed the opportunity of knowing you better
  3. To the people who don't like me- I appreciate this viewpoint because it makes me question what I do, and it also reaffirms me in my convictions. Oh, Ps, change your mind, you'll be happier not hating me.
  4. My mom- for being amazing.
  5. My brother- for working on our relationship and helping me plan my future.
  6. Grad Schools- for liking me.
  7. For everyone who reads this- because you make my venting sessions worthwhile, as well as make me smile when I read the count of how many times this page has been visited.

Please ignore the seriousness of this post. It is meant to be happy. I will definitely be posting the hilarity that my life is lately soon.

Until then, here is a picture of last Sunday when I worked hospitality for the Quinnipiac SPB Spring Concert: Wake the Giant, and got to hang out with the likes of Jack's Mannequin, Zox, and T-pain. Here is Andrew McMahon kicking my ass in Wii Tennis(taken by Chris McLaughlin of Fat Kid Photos: