Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sprain in the ass...

Dear Readers,

Don't worry, my buttocks are both doing fine. I however have sprained my foot. I did so while I was in NY this past weekend. I went running in a pair of fake Chuck Taylor's, which as you all know have zero support for your foot. At about mile 1.5, I started feeling pain, and I pushed through it because I'm a trooper. I then regretted that decision, because I've been limping since. Yesterday, the lady at the hospital gave me crutches, which are a new adventure for me, because i've never had to use them before. I won't be using them for too long, seeing how I have the healing powers of Wolverine!!!!

Anyways, some things to ponder today are:

  1. Why are Swedish Fish so tasty, and what makes them Swedish?
  2. Do motorcyclists ever get upset that they don't have doors on their vehicles?
  3. What percent psychological are the effects of energy drinks on people?

My answers:

  1. They are so tasty because they are the color of passion, desire, and love. With that on their side, when you put their gummy goodness in your yapper, they have already one the battle against your mind. They are Swedish because only fish from Sweden could survive so long without water in a bag with hundreds of their siblings annoying them.
  2. Not often, due to their freedom. They only get upset when someone with suicide doors and a tricked out car rolls up bumping the mega-mix. They want that.
  3. Approximately 51.634%

Until next time,


Monday, August 25, 2008

Special Birthday Post!

Dear Wowwers,

I would like to inform you that it is my roomates birthday today. If I am correct, Ross is 23 years old. That's pretty f'n sweet. I love birthdays, especially those of people close to me. You may be thinking to yourself,"Self, why does Brian love birthday's so much?" To answer your question, here's why:

  • The process of being birthded is pretty risky, so it is a joyous occasion to celebrate our survival
  • Cupcakes
  • Presents
  • Communication with people that you don't get to speak to on a regular basis (thanks facebook!!!)
  • The constant increase in our age is not only a reminder of our bell-shaped curve of societal importance, but teaches us of the importane of sharing our knowledge with those around us and the younglings while we can
  • Senior citizen discounts
  • free dessert
  • ballooons
  • summer (for me)
  • and Cupcakes

I again am writing this from a bus seat, but this time on the way back from my new york/connecticut adventure. twas awesome. Look forward to the summary later.

Until then, Ciao Ciao,


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Power Summary, written yesterday. Sorry for the mishmosh.

Dear Words of a Wiseguy Readers,

I would like to inform you with great excitement that:

I am still alive!!!!!!!!!!

I know you doubted it due to the total lack of posting over the last couple months, however, I have great reasons for such. I do however want to apologize for getting your hopes up as I got internet in my new apartment in Charlestown. I did write a couple posts that I will post soon, but I want to let you know what my world has consisted of without any more rambling.
I started graduate school at the MGH institute of Health professions. I underestimated the amount of effort that I would need to put into learning the anatomy of the human body, as well as the methods of patient care. II did not realize exactly how diverse a group of people I was about to join ranks with in order to achieve our healthcare dreams
After almost 3 hours of studying a day, 9 tests, hours spend studying cadavers at HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, survived my first semester.

I am on my “summer”break now, which is a three week hiatus from classes.I have moved into a new apartment with some of my fraternity brothers who will be mentioned in the near future. Cambridge iis a pretty exciting place.

Power summary is complete. Now for random thoughts:
· The house bunny looks like it might be a really entertaining movie
· The roast of bob saget might have been some of the funniest television that I have seen in a long time
· Heroes season 2 comes out on dvd on September 26th!!!
· Sitting on a four hour bus ride from boston to new York is not only boring and uncomfortable, but I sort of feel bad because I am not the softest typer ,and my computer doesn’tmake it any easier to be sneakier.
· The CD Movement from Thieves and villains is probably my favorite album of the summer.
· Four words “Rock me Sexy Jesus.”