Friday, April 18, 2008

Saran Wrap up

Dear Readers,

I realize that it has been quite a while since I have written for you all. Please take my sincere apology, and then go watch the new episodes of Scrubs. I missed them and I need someone to fill me in on them.

So I have been one busy boy. Life has included:
-Freaking out about grad school
-Totalling my car
-A huge research paper
- Mad presentations
-Officially disowning my celebrity infatuation with ashley simpson because she is now pregnant and engaged to Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy
-Transitioning my celebrity infatuation to Hayden Panettiere :)
-Wishing I cared more about the Yankees and Red Sox feud.
-Watching Shaniqua (that's his code name) drink Sips (those little barrels of delicious juice) and vodka alone
-Meeting lots of new people
-Realizing that it's really late in the year and my college career to be making new friendships
-Watching Shaniqua drink a sip of a glass of vodka thinking it was water
-Playing softball, and being decent at it
-Noticing the the Trees that smell bad are blooming :(
-learning ridiculous hip hop dances
-dreaming of new tattoos
-watching JUNO, because it came out on DVD tuesday
-quoting old greg
-hanging out at the radio station
-Being the Captain of the Team (Apple Bottom Jeans and Boots with Darfur) that won The Most Spirited Team Award at Quinnipiac University's First Annual Relay For Life!!!
- and many more

I have never fit more into my days as I have these last few weeks. Stress level is up. Sad Level is low, which is great. If I had more time, being a graduating senior would be kickass, and exactly what I imagined college to be like when I was a graduating senior from high school.

Much love,

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Your Opinion Matters!!!! Vote

Dear Readers,

This is an important time in your decision making lives. Tomorrow you will have to pick which pair of underwear to put on, what to eat for meals, where to go, who to cuddle with, which concert you want to attend on Friday, and more. Months from now you will be deciding our futures by electing the next President of the United States of America. All of those decisions, though important, do not compare to the importance of the one I will now pose to you. The outcome of this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Your decision could effect millions of people.

Without further ado:

If I was going to be an animal, which one do you think I would be?

1. A Mustang

2. A Chipmunk

3. A Hammerhead Shark

Or Some other animal?????????

Let me know!!! Oh, and I think you should know that I tried to be all tech-savvy and made an html poll so that all you awesome people could vote and it would tabulate all the results for me and joined some website to do so but it didn't work like I wanted, but i failed. So i hope you like this instead. Enjoy, comment.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Worst April Fools Day Ever

Dear Readers,

George got in a fight today. He now has a black eye, a messed up face, and some bumps bruises and scratches. If you know who George is, just know that we are both ok. If not, ask about him, and I will tell you the terrible tale that took place today...


PS. More comments Please!

If life had an alarm, it would be going off...

Dear Readers,

Thanks for waiting! I can tell you are thirsty for some info, and you will be parched no longer!!!!

As for the hassles:

I have taken a look around, at the commitments I am a part of, the people who I’ve put in effort into cultivating and maintaining relationships with, and everything that has been taxing of my substance. I’ve come to a decision, and it’s really basic to be honest. I am not going to put in much effort anymore. If things are going to happen from after this weekend on, they will happen because they were meant to. It will not be because I bent over backwards for it to happen. I will be using that strength to being with those who truly care about me (not with people who are and have recently become fair-weather friends), and doing things that I have wanted to do in my undergraduate career but am yet to do. If you are confused, ask a question in the comments section and it will be answered.


3 research papers, 4 tests, weekly reports, nightly logs, reviews for the radio station, prep work for a psychology course, and more have got my fingers practically bleeding. I spent pretty much all day Saturday sleeping because I have been exhausted by this. I will be going to bed after typing this to continue to catch up.


It is pretty scary, as I am yet to get the information necessary from my school to start securing an apartment. What I am most worried about isn’t that. I am most worried about feeding myself while I am in graduate school. I have never cooked for myself before (unless you count microwave meals and sandwiches). I recently learned an awesome recipe for RICE KRISPIE FRENCH TOAST!!! I bet that will come in handy when I need to impress people, but I don’t know how often I will actually take the time to make it.


As referenced indirectly before, time is running out. I have 5 weeks left. WOW. Get in touch if you want to do something. If not, I’ll talk to you soon.


I don’t know if I’ve said anything about it yet, but this year, the Connecticut Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon will be hosting our annual formal at St. Clements Castle in Portland, CT. It’s a castle!!!! I am taking a wonderful young woman who will be a great date. We will eat the awesome food, dance to the great music, and have a stellar time amongst the brothers and their dates. I am thinking about renting a suit of armor instead of a tux. Let me know what you think.


I am beginning the process of findingan apartment. I am going to be trying to figure out how to pay for it. I will be listening to the awesome cds from the radio station. Hanging out with my boys. Doing RA stuff. Walking at the Relay For Life @ Quinnipiac. Playing some baseball, softball, basketball, Frisbee and more. Living my ritual. Going out. Making sure people have my contact information. Tying up loose ends. Speaking my mind. Dancing. And Being me.

Let me know if you want in on any of this. Sorry about the seriousness. I’ll be bringing funny back soon.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger,