Thursday, May 10, 2007

Viva la Revolution!

Dear W.o.W. readers,

The academic school year is almost over. There are a bunch of emotions running through my mind: relief, sorrow, boredom, excitement, anxiety, etc.

I figured I'd fill you in on a little debauchle that is happening here at Quinnipiac University. This past April 27th-28th, the school hosted its annual celebration known as May Weekend. This weekend is supposed to be a weekend of celebration where people rcognize all of the hard work they have done over the course of the year, and have a relaxing weekend prior to finals. However, May Weekend quickly evolved over the course of the history of the school into a supposed free for all where rampant underage drinking occurs. This year, after many more arrests and serious incidents (deaths, alleged sexual assault), the administration has decided to pull funding for May Weekend.

This has students outraged. They are speaking out in a Facebook group known as "Prohibition didn't work, so why will taking away May Weekend?" or something to the sort. They are speaking out about the fact that they don't want their weekend of drinking taken away, not that they will no longer have an organized celebration going on with thousands of dollars worth of entertainment. The administration has said that the money will instead be used for programs throughout the year.

I have had to hold my tongue and not reply to the posts in the facebook group because I feel that I would either:
  1. rip apart the thousand plus members of the facebook group with my verbal katana and get the real point across
  2. or have absolutely no effect on the extremely stupid and ignorant student body that is found on the same grounds as myself.
These students have a ridiculous amount of information in front of their eyes that explains everything. It says where the money is going. It says the true reasoning for not having it. Everything is warranted and explained. Even within the facebook group, there are students going against the masses and posting things that support the decision.
I just find it hilarious that even with all of this, hundreds of students think that their "privilege"(which is exaclty what it is, rather than a right) to may weekend being ripped away is a travesty because they are being told they can't drink, or that they are "paying for it, so they should be able to have it", or that it was a choice "set of individuals who did bad things" (despite the fact that there were over 1000 students involved in blatant outdoor underage drinking.

I can say oh so much more on this issue. I'm sure you can find plenty of other info on the internet about it.

Until then, I want to start a QU debate team and be the captain, because I argue oh so well.

ps. this is one of the main pictures on the facebook group, tell me this helps the outraged students in their quest to get back their celebration:

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