Friday, January 2, 2009

Post 1: 2009

Dear readers,

Happy 2009! We are one and a half days deep and I don't feel any different than I did at the end of 2008. I am still expecting my next semester of grad school to be nuts (the likes of the last semester I have decided to spare you, for it was crazy and not postworthy), and I have not done anything worth noting other than having someone to kiss at midnight for the first time ever!!!! (yes, I give you permission to vomit over the cuteness of that)

Anyways, I have decided that if I write down my new years resolutions for the world to read via the internets, I will have to follow them. I also have made them realistic and achievable, so that I don't feel bad if I don't exceed them. You may also note that I've made them quantifiable, so I can actually measure my progress (oh leadership training, you have done me well).

1. Go to the gym at least once a week, maximum 3 times.
2. Go at least one day per week without caffeine. (probably gonna be saturdays or sundays)
3. Meditate at least twice per week. It'll help.
4. Stop worrying so much about things/ don't allow stress to get the best of me/ take a chill pill ...everday.
5. buy a vegetable each time I food shop and eat it.

Four is do-able. If the kid in Flight of the Navigator could easily fly an alien spaceship, I can pull this stuff off for 2009. I will evaluate reflect on this come february.

Until I have more to say,

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