Thursday, January 15, 2009

the answer to one of the oldest question in the book...

dear readers,
Amongst my daily multi-hour quests to Charlestown
Massachusetts, I have stumbled across the answer to a riddle that has plagued the majority of mankind for eons. That question is:

Why do we yawn????

The shortest answer I can give you all is so we don't die. It may also be a long lostnqncient reflex that we don't use anymore, but really it is so we keep breathing normal. To spare you the serious detail that this factoid was delivered to me in, our lungs natural tendency is to collapse, but we have this chemical that we make to keep them from doing so named surfactant. When we yawn, our body thinks tat our lungs have collapsed/shrunk too much. Yawning stretches and releases surfactant so our lungs stay expanded!!! Isn't science fun!!!

I could so be Bill Nye or Beakman,

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