Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ponder this

Dear readers,
I am sick, and when I'm sick I get sillier than I normally am. My silliness lead to me to this very serious thought, and if someone can help me figure it out, I would be eternally greatful:

"What happens to all the orange peels after they squeeze the oranges to make orange juice?"


Monday, January 19, 2009

Too good to be true...

Dear Readers,
I am currently watching Fox 25 News right now and I just learned of the most hilarious story. My teaser words for you are stuffed, uterus, fallopian, and education for children. For more information and hilarity, please read this story!!!!

Is it true that you don't use it, you lose it?

On the eve of greatness

Dear Readers,
I hope you all are having an amazing Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I hope that you are as excited as me for tomorrow. I hope you have noticed that I have written the word hope 4 times now. I am hopeful that our soon the be new President will rally our nation and help us see the hopeful horizon ahead... Not to have a serious tone or anything. Oh yeah. HOPE.

Hopefully Hope-ing at you other hopefuls,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

the answer to one of the oldest question in the book...

dear readers,
Amongst my daily multi-hour quests to Charlestown
Massachusetts, I have stumbled across the answer to a riddle that has plagued the majority of mankind for eons. That question is:

Why do we yawn????

The shortest answer I can give you all is so we don't die. It may also be a long lostnqncient reflex that we don't use anymore, but really it is so we keep breathing normal. To spare you the serious detail that this factoid was delivered to me in, our lungs natural tendency is to collapse, but we have this chemical that we make to keep them from doing so named surfactant. When we yawn, our body thinks tat our lungs have collapsed/shrunk too much. Yawning stretches and releases surfactant so our lungs stay expanded!!! Isn't science fun!!!

I could so be Bill Nye or Beakman,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

on addictions...

dear readers,
I would like to share my addictions. I feel it's a healthy thing to do.

My true addictions include:
1. Caffeine
2. Portmanteauism
3. Cuddling
4. E.L. Fudge cookies

Others include:
5. Heroes
6. The new season of 24 ( just got hooked)
7. The Office
8. Maybe nip/tuck
9. Rhoda Herman
10. Viral videos

There are probably more, but I'm done listing them. In today's world where the goal is to have lots of things, of seems I have collected plenty relatively harmless addictions. I could be shooting heroine or competing in Bloodsport!

Let me know what y'all are addicted to. I am interested in your lives.
much love between classes,


Saturday, January 3, 2009

learning experience

dear readers,
Today's lesson is about meteorology:

Just because it is sunny outside, one cannot expect that the wind of Boston streets will not rip your hat off your head and cut you to the core like the vicious cheese grater of cold-like death that it truly is.

Tune in next time for another episode of me doing something stupid like not wearing enough winter clothing like today.

Hot cocoa for your soul,

Friday, January 2, 2009

Post 1: 2009

Dear readers,

Happy 2009! We are one and a half days deep and I don't feel any different than I did at the end of 2008. I am still expecting my next semester of grad school to be nuts (the likes of the last semester I have decided to spare you, for it was crazy and not postworthy), and I have not done anything worth noting other than having someone to kiss at midnight for the first time ever!!!! (yes, I give you permission to vomit over the cuteness of that)

Anyways, I have decided that if I write down my new years resolutions for the world to read via the internets, I will have to follow them. I also have made them realistic and achievable, so that I don't feel bad if I don't exceed them. You may also note that I've made them quantifiable, so I can actually measure my progress (oh leadership training, you have done me well).

1. Go to the gym at least once a week, maximum 3 times.
2. Go at least one day per week without caffeine. (probably gonna be saturdays or sundays)
3. Meditate at least twice per week. It'll help.
4. Stop worrying so much about things/ don't allow stress to get the best of me/ take a chill pill ...everday.
5. buy a vegetable each time I food shop and eat it.

Four is do-able. If the kid in Flight of the Navigator could easily fly an alien spaceship, I can pull this stuff off for 2009. I will evaluate reflect on this come february.

Until I have more to say,