Thursday, May 29, 2008

Things I am not...

Oh HI!

I have done a lot of thinking today, and as I enter into a Whole New world without a magic carpet ride, or a beautiful woman by my side who I harmonize well with, I thought it was important to take a good look at who I am. I plan on doing so in a two part series. Part One, will be the title of this, and part two you can read tomorrow. HAHAHAHA.

Anyways, without further ado, here are some of the things I am not:

  1. Good at basketball
  2. Good at not getting huge blisters while playing the game listed in point 1.
  3. Spectacular at planning ahead...still
  4. Believing that I'm done college
  5. Okay with not speaking to all the people I care about because we don't see each other as often now that I'm back in the Hampsh or Boston
  6. Trained enough in the tastings and delight of beers
  7. Tall
  8. as knowledgeable about sports as I'd like to be, so I am inundating myself with all forms of it
  9. nearly as funny online as I think I am in person
  10. in the right mindset to keep typing things

This is where honesty and hopes that people will comment come in. Let me know other funny or serious things that I am not in a comment. Stay tuned for possibly funny things tomorrow.


Equations of my life currently

Dear Readers,

Please enjoy my life explained to you through math. Now that I will never be forced to do major math problems again, I can have fun with math.


Keys to an apartment + my hands= me as an adult

Bachelor Pad + Boston= Awesome

Me in Boston-anything to do for a week= me pretending like I'm Christopher Columbus and exploring

x(the impending doom of Graduate school)= 6 sorts of anxious

3(basketball) + 15(bowling) + batting cages + driving range= me being all athletic and hopefully getting into better shape

you + comments=awesome

p.s. you + me= us

Monday, May 19, 2008

It's okay high school dropouts, i'm not in college either...


I graduated from college!!! Quinnipiac University has unleashed me on the world with a science degree as a weapon. I will go on a bacteria killing spree!

No seriously though, it still hasn't hit me yet, so expect one of those super sappy sessions sometime soon.

My head is already in the future, on my next goal: to earn the degree that will have people calling me "Doctor Simons."

I start that pursuit on June 9th at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. So somewhere in my tiny break, I need to do these things:

-Finalize my apartment stuff
-write in here as many times as Stef writes in her blog (see the A Small Civil War link)
-See Iron Man
-organize my crap
-get a 120 score while candle-pin bowling
-dream of new tattoos
-get pumped for the new Heroes season
- and much more

Leave me some love. Fin.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sanka... You Dead Man?

Dear Readers,

I am almost dead.

I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Things have been great though. Quick updates because I need to run:

- There was a glorious ending to the Truffle Shuffle
- My friends are making blogs, so be sure to check them out!!!
- I have my Dance Co shows this weekend!
- I am getting closer to finding an apartment in Boston (help is more than welcome)
- Finals are days away :(
- I am ready to leave QU
- I am not ready to leave the people
- I love Burger King

That's it for now. I will write a real post when I have a little more time to breathe, and hopefully after I edit the layout of this blog to look new and sexy!!!